We are a student-run brass band with a relaxed and friendly atmosphere; there are no auditions and anyone studying in or around Cambridge is welcome. Rehearsals are held every Thursday, 7:30-9:30pm, and we perform at least one concert each term, as well as smaller group events such as busking, Christmas dinners, and Oktoberfest.

Busking on Mill Road


Most Entertaining Band
UniBrass Shield 2018

Most Entertaining Band and 3rd Place
UniBrass Shield 2019

Most Entertaining Band
UniBrass Shield 2022

A trombone

The band has a vibrant social side. Highlights of the year include a screening of Brassed Off on pancake day; Annual Dinner weekend, which also includes a picnic and punting; and most importantly our annual tour, featuring the famed Tour Quiz!

Recent News

CUBB AGM and Annual Dinner

30th May 2023

CUBB recently had our AGM where we elected our committee for the following year. We also had our Annual Dinner, where we were very happy to see some of our former members!


26th March 2023

CUBB recently visited the Peak District for our 2023 tour! We had a brilliant time playing in primary schools, pubs and band stands! A big thanks to Felix for organising the tour which was a great end to a successful Lent term.

CUBB Unibrass

22nd February 2023

CUBB enjoyed a brilliant UniBrass hosted at the University of Warwick. CUBB finished 6th in a highly competitive shield section, with much improved scores for both entertainment and musicality. We are already looking forward to next year!
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